Access large group health rates by partnering with a PEO.
Many companies use a PEO solely for the purpose of reducing health insurance premiums. PEOs create tremendous buying power by aggregating thousands of small businesses together – and your company can access!

Established Businesses
Moving your benefits to a PEO can reduce premiums overnight.

New Businesses
Launch your business with competitive and fully integrated benefits to attract & retain the best employees.

Multi-State Employers
Simplify your benefits strategy by offering nationwide plans through a single carrier instead of piecing together multiple carriers based on regions.

Fortune 500 Benefits
Trying to attract & retain the best talent? Offer better benefits than your competition
Fortune 500 Benefits

Health Insurance


Dental Insurance

Vision Insurance

Life Insurance

Long-Term Disability Insurance

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Learn more about how a PEO can help in other areas

Using a PEO Already?
Circumstances change. We can seek out a more suitable PEO partner for your organization.

Workers’ Compensation
Reduce workers’ compensation premiums with a PEO.

Human Resources
PEOs provide a fractional HR + labor law compliance solution. Create an HR foundation or pair a PEO with an existing HR infrastructure.

Single Source Solution
A PEO is the definition of efficiency. Experience complete integration with technology, insurances, HR & safety guidance.

Multi-State Workforce
PEOs provide HR, labor law compliance, benefits and workers' compensation in all 50 states. When you partner with a PEO, you have the ability to hire the best and brightest employees anywhere in the country.